Chicago Blitz Kicker Julie Harshbarger

The Only Female player in the American Indoor Football League Sits down with Football Stories

By Tim Blasco

At the beginning of the AIFL Championships Saturday in York a bit of a confusion took place for several people at the game. Normally any woman on the sidelines is a trainer, in youth leagues they can be coaches or the stereotypical role of a cheerleader.

Julie Harshbarger doesn’t fit in any of those categories. She fits into a uniform, for the Chicago blitz, and she is a kicker. Julie breaks molds and records with her feet. Walking onto the Blitz team and kicking PATs as well as stereotypes off the field.

We sat down with Julie and asked some questions that most fans asked in the stands.

How long have you been kicking for? 
15 years. I started kicking my freshman year of high school off of a dare.

Did you start out in soccer?
Yes, soccer is my first love. I started playing when I was 7. AYSO represent! From there, I joined a club team and played highly competitive soccer that traveled across the country and went on to be a four-year starter in college playing freshman and sophomore year at Rockford University and then transferring to Benedictine University to play junior and senior year.

What is the locker room situation like?
The locker room has never been a problem that I’m aware of, especially at the semi-pro/pro level. The guys have never been weirded out about it. If they have, they play it off. I usually go change in a women’s bathroom and then go back into our team locker room once everyone is decent.

Have there been any embarrassing situations?
Embarrassing situations, one comes to mind… A good friend/teammate in high school got one of the trainers to get me from my locker room and told me it was really important. I get over to where the boys locker room is. My friend opens the door with perfect timing and “accidentally” drops his towel. I was dying.

Have you ever had to deal with anything a male football player has never had to deal with? Nothing specific to football.

What do you tell girls who ask you for advice when it comes to playing football?
I tell them to go for it, and to follow their dreams. I also warn them about the injuries that may occur just like any other sport. You only get one life and you don’t want to look back with regrets of ‘what if’.

There are women’s leagues, do you feel there should be segregation?
No, if you can compete—do it! I’m very excited to see all of the women’s leagues forming. I have been asked by a couple of teams to play, but their season conflicts with the teams I have already been playing with for years.

Any thoughts on Lingerie Football?
I love it! I actually tried out twice and got cut both times. Sad day.

Who is your role model?
My mom

Who do you kick like?
Not sure

Harshbarger signs a young fans football.

Harshbarger signs a young fan’s football.

What is your philosophy at your position and its relationship to Indoor Football? Was it a hard transition from outdoor football to Indoor Football?
Just kick. I find the more I think about kicking in a game, the more I psych myself out. Think about the kick, the form, head down, ankle locked, toe pointed down and get everything perfect in practice. Come game time, just have fun and kick. Everything should fall into place. Another important thing as a kicker, if you miss a kick in a game, move on to the next. Don’t dwell on that missed kick, because that can completely mess up your game. You also need to have complete confidence in your teammates to do their job. If that confidence is missing, it can cause hesitation resulting in missed kicks.

The transition is always hard for me. I work hard all summer to get more height on my kicks for outdoor football. When I finally see results, its arena season. And then it’s back to line-drive kicks. Most of the arenas that I kick in have very low ceilings or objects that are in the way. The first week back in arena or outdoor is usually the worst for me until I adjust. 

Describe a typical practice?
I warm-up with the team. We break off into circuit training with quickness and agility. I’ll do that with them. Then they break up into offense and defense skills. At that time, I go to an open area of the field or if there is another field available I’ll go kick and stretch until the very end of practice when we do special teams stuff like kickoffs, fgs, and pats.

What do kickers lift, or do they lift?
Personally I lift lighter weights and play soccer. I also started training with EMVP Sports Performance SureFit Leg Weights and their Kicking Velocity Program. I’ve had really good results with it so far on increasing my distance on kicks. I have seen some super jacked kickers recently though.

Kicking in arena ball is rare, what tactic is overlooked in the game scheme that could be better utilized by kickers?
Onside kicks. I would love to see more of those.

When Punter Bryan Anger was drafted in the 2012 NFL Draft Rich Eisen said “Punters are people too.” Can special teams be better utilized? If so how? Do you feel kickers get the respect they deserve?
I think with social media, kickers are starting to get more love. Kicking plays a huge part of the game and is often overlooked. 

What is your favorite memory as a Pro Football Player so far?
Making 2014 Special Team Player of the Year.

What is your pregame ritual? Any superstitions? (you don’t have to answer that). Before every game I always put my left shoe on first and drink a Sugar-free Red Bull. 

What is playing on your headphones?
2 Live Crew, Hoochie Mama… Don’t judge

Who gets the most credit for where you are today in life?
My parents. They supported my love for sports since day one and also encouraged me to advance academically. From building a make shift small soccer field in the basement to driving me across the nation for games, they’ve taught me to never give up and to always follow my dreams.

What is your outlook for next season?
I can’t wait for next season. We made it all the way to the championship game and fell short of a win. Hoping to make it that far next season and get the W!

11 Jun 15 - AIF, Football - admin - No Comments