Capitals Coach Rick Marsilio completes season goals, looks to the playoffs.

YORK, PA – York has been through quite the season. players have moved up and out new players have come in and through it all they have remained undefeated. At the beginning of the season head coach Rick Marsilio said he wanted two things from this team, to go undefeated but more importantly to develop players. If Saturday Night was any sort of a barometer he has done just that.

At the beginning of the game E.J. Nemeth walked the offense down the field and in three plays he had had his first of three touchdowns. He wouldn’t need long as the Capitals didn’t even put him in for the second half. Nemeth was 8 of 11 with 70 plus yards. His defense would add two pick six’s into the mix too. The Capitals scored at will in many plays and often left Conshohocken’s players looking around in confusion. Coverages weren’t blown E.J. Manuel was just that good. The birthday boy had a special night and its not often you see the starting QB assisting his back up from the sidelines, even more bewildering his backup scored a few points too.

The Capitals could not be stopped scoring 40 points in all. They are preparing this week for their opponent in the playoffs who has yet to be determined. The Capitals will play a later to be named opponent on Saturday May 30th at York Ice Arena.

Nemeth put an exclamation on the game, playing during his birthday and playing so well he still was a tad disappointed. The entire team was. Conshohocken scored one touchdown and York felt their score wasn’t high enough but the Hornet’s score was unexcusable.

York looks ready for a long run into the playoffs as they have outscored every opponent by at least two touchdowns. Next Saturday the fun begins again.

28 May 15 - AIF, Football - admin - No Comments