
TaxSlayer Bowl Press Conference Highlights
January 1, 2016


(Opening statement) “I want to take a minute real quick and thank the City of Jacksonville, everybody’s been great. I want to thank the TaxSlayer Bowl, we’ve had a great experience in the hotel, for the families and the kids, have been unbelievable, the pool, the beach, the events, everything’s been first class, we want to thank you for that, guys, for providing a great experience. I’m real proud of our team and our players, how they’ve handled it all. We talked to them about doing the things necessary to give us a chance to be successful, how they’ve been in meetings, how they’ve been in practice, really being present and really being focused and then when it’s time to go enjoy yourself, go enjoy yourself, and they’ve been very mature and the leadership of the young men that are on the podium right now is a big part of that, the leadership’s been excellent and those things are very, very important, how you handle all of those things off of the field to allow yourself to be successful in the game is very, very important and our guys handle extremely well. Now it’s about playing the game, which I know our guys are ready to do and excited about and then it comes back to like what it always does is execution of the game plan, execution of fundamentals and techniques and playing with passion and excited for the 2015 Penn State football family to be together for one last game because it’s going to change come Sunday and we’ll never be the same again, so our guys have done a really good job of handling all of those things. Thank you to the TaxSlayer Bowl, thank you to our players and administration for how they’ve handled everything in a first class manner and excited about playing a tremendous program like the University of Georgia on Saturday.”

(On how the bowl game can help show the program’s progression) “I think obviously taking a step from last year is really, really important, ending the season on a real positive note against a historic program I think is really important on a national stage in the TaxSlayer Bowl, and then sending out these seniors the right way, (the seniors) that have been through more than any other seniors probably in the history of college football, I think it’s very important. You guys (the media) know we take every game as if it’s the Super Bowl, with that type of approach and intensity, but I don’t think there’s any doubt for probably fifteen different reasons why this game is important for this season and these seniors, but also for the direction of our program.”
(On his experience with Georgia while he was coaching at Vanderbilt) “Obviously, in history, experience counts, it really does, so the fact that we have familiarity with their staff and with their team, with the conference I do think helps, but at the end of the day, it’s back to what Christian (Hackenberg) talked about, it’s about watching the film, it’s about studying the tendencies, it’s about studying what their strengths and weaknesses are and how you’re going to attack them. I think it’s a very, very talented team, defensively they’re number one in pass defense in the country, and they always have a talented tailback that you have to deal with. They go out and sign a six-star tailback every single year that has the ability to make big plays for them and their system plays to that. We’re going to be prepared for it. I think the staff’s history with the program helps a little bit, but at the end of the day this is a player’s game and it’s going to be our players going out and having the leadership and the execution against their players and coaches obviously will have a role in it, but at the end of the day this is a player’s game and I know our guys are really, really motivated and excited to go out and play and play this game well.”


(On if the transition of coaching staffs has any effect on the team) “In relation to us, Coach (Ricky) Rahne (Passing game Coordinator/Quarterbacks Coach) has been involved with the offensive game planning, working with quarterbacks ever since I’ve been here, so I think for him it’s been a pretty flawless transition and for us, it’s just a guy we know really well and a guy who we work with every day as unit just calling plays, so it’s a different voice, but a lot of the same messages and we understand what we have to do and it’s been a very smooth transition.”
(On the Georgia defense) “I think they’re obviously very talented, have a ton of respect for what they have done; I think they have some great players up front. One of the most fundamentally sound groups that I’ve ever seen on tape, so I think up front, (Georgia is) very similar to the Ohio States and Michigan States that we’ve seen, big, long, can run, very physical, so I think it’s going to be a great challenge for us and we’re really excited about it as an offense. It’s really going to push us. Again, ton of respect for what they do. I think we’re excited about it.”
(On if the outcome of the game will affect the decision he makes on whether he will go pro or stay for his senior season) “I’m not really focused on that right now. Again, focused on Georgia right now, that’s been my focus, and enjoying everything that comes with this trip, comes with this team, and just taking it one day at a time.”

(On the Georgia offensive line) “They have a big, physical offensive line; got a lot of talent, savvy guys. Going against Michigan State and Ohio State, they’re very similar with what they bring. Obviously, a lot of them are highly recruited guys who have a lot of talent, skill up there, and just for scheme, they really run it well with how their running back goes off the zone powers. It’s going to be a good challenge for our defensive line, we’ve got everybody back healthy, so we’re up for the challenge and we’re excited for tomorrow.”
(On being with the defense and the team one last time) “Being with the guys again for one last game, this 2015 defense, team, coaches, everything, is special in itself. You put in so much time throughout offseason, throughout the years with these guys and become brothers, family and going through adversity, so one last time with this team is something special.”
(On the bowl experience) “Last year after the Pinstripe Bowl, we kind of got a taste in our mouth of how a win felt, that bowl win, and leading into this year, we want that same feeling wining at the end of the season, same feeling as last year.”

(On the progress of the program after the coaching transition last season) “The development of the guys in the locker room, physically strong and growing emotionally as a team and as individuals. There’s no question about it, from when Coach (James Franklin) got here to now that there’s been a tremendous amount of growth and there’s reason to look forward to this game tomorrow and finishing up a win and for seniors, going out as winner because you don’t know, for most of those guys, if you’re going to play in a game again, so going out as winners would be big for us.”

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