Tim Tebow has been all-in with whatever passion he pursued. Photo by

By Brian Lange

If you haven’t heard by now, Tim Tebow is an Eagle.

I am sure that we all have our opinions on him and his playing ability, but sounds like Coach Kelly felt he is a good addition to the team at this point.

I would agree.

The one thing that impresses me about Tebow is his commitment to whatever he does. Whether it is his Christian Faith, broadcasting gigs or his training regime… Tim Tebow is all in.

Tebow gives his best at all times and puts his full effort into anything he does. Do you do that? Do you give your best, no matter what the situation?

Professional athletes are quoted for many things. One of my favorites is by Tebow. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”. I wrote an article in a prior Footballs Stories magazine where I mentioned one of my college coaches.

He didn’t have quite the talent as other players around him, but he was willing to put in the hard work and sacrifice to accomplish his dream. He not only had an outstanding college career he was drafted by the NBA and NFL.

So… you may lack some of the skills that your teammates possess, but are you willing to put in the extra time, dedication and sacrifice it takes to put you on the field rather than the end of the bench?

Tim Tebow has been given a chance to try out for the Eagles. Photo by

Tim Tebow has been given a chance to try out for the Eagles. Photo by

Here are 5 key elements that will take you to the next level.

People that excel in sports and in life set goals. Short and long term. What do you want to accomplish today, this work out, this week? Where do you want to be at the end of the summer, the season, or the next one, two or three years? Olympic athletes base their goals and training programs on a four year plan. What is your plan, your goals? Put some serious time to this. It will make a difference!


These are huge. When our body is at rest is when it rebuilds. If you are not getting adequate rest, your body does not have a chance to fully recharge. Get off the electronic device and go to bed!(or do you think you will get a scholarship for your texting ability.

What we put into our body has a direct correlation to our athletic output. You have heard of the saying; “garbage in, garbage out”. You need to be well fueled to operate at optimal levels. Don’t put all that hard work in the weight room or on the field just to have it go to waste. Eat to win!

Serious athletes keep a record… of everything. Most of you, if you have a good strength and conditioning program, know exactly what your “lift numbers” are. You should also keep track of what you eat, how much sleep you get, how you feel each day and your mood before and after a workout or game. This will give you valuable feedback so you can make changes to what works and what doesn’t.

Don’t just guess how you are doing… know how you are doing. Every adjustment and modification helps you fine-tune your program and give you that extra edge!

I have worked with too many athletes that get complacent or satisfied with their training. They don’t want to push themselves a little harder or longer to move up the ladder of success. You can teach skills, but not so much on motivation. You can be inspired by others but ultimately your drive and ambition has to come from within.

I have found that a training partner can be huge if you find yourself in this situation. You can encourage each other and hold yourselves accountable, thus both will achieve.

Also, finding a mentor or athlete that has already been there and done that. They will have the experience, wisdom and knowledge to help you through the down times.

We all make mistakes. That’s just a given. Use them as an opportunity to learn and get better. Don’t take a failure as a negative. They are times when we can grow the most.

I can think of many people who experienced set-backs in their lives but didn’t let it stop them from achieving great things. Here are just a few. Drew Brees, Michael Jordan, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln. Those names sound familiar? When you make a mistake: stop, evaluate, change and then implement. Make the choice to keep moving forward, no matter what the obstacle.

Brian is the manager of the Gym Source in Villanova, PA. He writes on fitness and sports specific training and has been working with athletes of all levels for over 25yrs.
You can reach him at: or

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