Al Thompson
Chris Snee dealing with injuries, says he will be ready for 2014.

G Chris Snee
April 22, 2014

Q: No name tags yet?
A: No name tags. I did request an e-mail with all of the pictures of all the new players. Seriously, I did. So that helps.

Q: Just how important are these voluntary workouts? That when you come in and you do have so many new people to get used to?
A: Well it’s important every year but like you said, with all of the change that’s going on you just really have to get comfortable with one another. I mean, eat together just to get to know each other because this is the most change that we’ve encountered here. We have to get to know each other quickly because really the time that we have is a month less than we usually have.

Q: What do you think of all of the changes that the team has made?
A: What I think? I think everyone’s excited about putting last season behind us. It’s not easy to see certain guys go, guys that you put a lot of time in with and have had some memories with but that’s the nature of the game. That’s what was necessary. Jerry (Reese) and everyone else put a team out there that they think is going to win, that being this year there are a lot of changes. We just have to, like I said, try to get to know each other and build on that and get out here in two weeks and just starting going through it with the new offense.

Q: Are you guys doing anything differently given all of these changes? Are you studying more? Are you forming groups or doing anything like that?
A: Yeah. We’ve met the past two days and we’ll continue to do so. It’s different for me because I have to learn the offense. Before it was the same offense I had for 10 years so I kind of knew it inside and out and I was able to help everyone else who came in and was trying to learn it. Now I’m trying to learn this just like everyone else. Like I said, that’s why it’s so important to have all of us in here together.

Q: What can you tell us about the new offense?
A: It’s different. It’s, I mean you know exactly where Coach McAdoo comes from so you can build off it from there but it’s different, everything from the terminology to the run concepts. We haven’t even gotten to the pass game yet so I think everyone’s just trying to wrap their head around what they were taught the past two days.

Q: What are you able to do? What are you expecting for yourself these next couple weeks?
A: I’m doing everything. I ran with the team this morning, I lifted with everyone so I’m back at it 100 percent.

Q: Is that the plan going forward, to go 100 percent the whole way?
A: Yeah, I haven’t been told any different. I think the thing is to go 100 percent and see how I feel at the end of June.

Q: How optimistic are you that when the season starts you can be back in the spot that you’ve been in every year?
A: I’m very optimistic and positive. I did all the research throughout the offseason, I spoke to the doctors and then really have been putting myself through tough workouts the past two months to see how my body would handle it. I’ve continued to climb in every aspect of my strength so I’m very encouraged with what’s been going on.

Q: Are you in a better position today than you were a year ago at this time?
A: Yeah. Last year I was still recovering from the hip. In return my other hip was starting to act up on me from all of the intense rehab I was doing for my left hip. I never really got to a position where I felt comfortable. That’s why I’m excited to get out here and to see how I feel when I do the position drills.

Q: When you were in the middle of that last year did you even think you were coming back? At that point did you think that might be it?
A: I was trying not to think about it but sure it creeps into your mind. It creeps into your mind – how your body is going to respond to another surgery, let alone two. I really, really just focused on getting healthy. That’s what I did for the most part. Sure there were probably nights where I was sitting up thinking about what’s the next step. After the initial surgery and everything went well, then I just focused on just trying to get healthy and making a decision from there.
essay starters

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