Giants LB Jon Beason

Giants LB Jon Beason sits down for an Interview
Q: Where do you think you are physically right now and are you happy with it?

A: Extremely happy. I am able to run around. It feels great. Change of direction feels good. It is literally a non-issue. We are just being smart. I am still limited just based on the time of year.
Q: How much of Steve Spagnuolo’s defense have you learned and how well do you think you will be able to lead it?

A: I am learning as fast as I can, and as much as I can. Obviously there is nothing like getting out there and repping it. Our offense [gives us] a lot of problems, moving guys around and shifting personnel groups. They make it really hard on us at practice. We are just going with the flow right now and taking our reps. Guys are getting better each day.
Q: You know what Antonio Pierce meant to [Spagnuolo’s] defense when he was here… Do you see that similar situation for you?

A: Yeah, as a MIKE backer, the onus is on me to get guys lined up and in the right situation. The good thing about this defense is Coach Spags puts pressure on everybody. Everyone has their own ‘OBW’s’. Oh by way. Little small tidbits that if this happens, that is when we have to be ready for it. The beauty of it is we won’t be able to be dictated to. We will be able to get lined up and no matter what they do, we are going to be ready for it. That should cause a lot of problems for opposing offenses.
Q: From what you have seen from this defense, is that kind of attacking mentality what it is all about?

A: Yeah, for sure. You don’t want to sit back. Eli and company, these quarterbacks are extremely good. They are elite. They study us. We obviously have tendencies and they obviously have tendencies, but when you just sit back and stay in the same call, it is easy for them. So you make it hard and make them have to do some things post-snap where maybe we can steal a play and get an interception or a turnover. Get the ball back to our offense and hopefully win more games.
Q: That energizes defensive players? That is what you want to do?

A: Yeah, it makes you feel young again. You are sitting there in meetings and you obviously have to pay attention and go home everyday and get ready for the next install. Not even just watching myself, but watching everybody. Every rep that I can get, mentally, on the iPad has been clutch so far. Just trying to go through it and get familiar with it so you know it like the back of your hand.
Q: Is that attacking radically different from what it had been like in the past?

A: I wouldn’t say it is different. The overall scheme [is different.] We have some things that are unsound, but based on the pressure, that is the illusion. When you send eight and it looks like an all-out pressure, but really you are dropping some linemen in coverage. Some man pressures. We do it all. I would say, more so than any other scheme I have been in, we do more than anything else.
Q: Is it a relatively easy defense to learn?

A: I think we can learn whatever we want. We are great athletes because we chose to do it. You guys are great at reporting and being a great interviewer, because that is what you do. Whether you are playing the piano, whatever it is, you put the time into the things you really want and that is what we have to do. We are going to be young in the secondary, but at the same time, those guys are going to have to grow up quick, and we are putting pressure on them now. We don’t make the calls even if we know them. If that is their call, they have to get us lined up. Right now every one is doing a great job just taking onus of what they have to do and we are going from there.
Q: Are the defensive rankings something that stick in the sides of the defensive guys here or do you not think about those?

A: I don’t read into much of the media. Obviously it is not going to help us win or lose a game. We have to go out there and we have to play. It is all about what happens between the lines. Predictions, you look at the Cavs, [Kevin] Love goes down, Kyrie [Irving] goes down, and everyone says it is over, but they stole a game last night. Anything can happen once you play the game. All of that stuff just fuels the fire.
Q: You had to know where you guys were in the defensive stats though?

A: Yeah, it is doesn’t add up to our standard obviously. We want to be great. That is what Big Blue is all about. Obviously the offense has done a great job over the years, but we think we go as the defense goes.
Q: I imagine you guys feel that you are a lot better than your rankings?

A: Sure, we are a lot healthier, too. That is everything. That is the most important part.

8 Jun 15 - Football, NFL - admin - No Comments